The Justisse Method User s Guide is a primer for body literacy, and a guide for instructing women how to observe, chart and interpret their menstrual cycle events. The Justisse Method (JM) is a highly effective secular method for fertility awareness. The information contained in this guide may be used for 1) body literacy, 2) birth control, 3) pregnancy achievement, or 4) monitoring menstrual cycle health and well-being. What makes the Justisse Method unique and effective is its systematized methodology, which this guide describes in a clear and concise manner, making it is useful for women regardless of their menstrual cycle health or history. There is a network of Justisse Method Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioners (HRHP) available to assist women in learning the Justisse Method and to provide them with ongoing help with interpreting their menstrual cycle event and charts. http://justisse. ca/directory. htm The Justisse User s Guide contains reproducible charts for the user s convenience. All other supplies and or services are available by contacting info@justisse. ca. Geraldine Matus? more than thirty years of experience in the field of fertility awareness and body literacy education shows through in this book s simple, elegant and effective transmission of a method that has proved over the years to be effective and accessible. The original version of the Justisse Method User s Guide was published in 1989 and a 2nd edition was published 2009. Since the first edition tens of thousands of copies have been sold and distributed to libraries, birth control centers, and women s health focused centres. The glossy paper, and coil bound 2nd edition is still available through info@justisse. ca as a collector s item. Lisa Leger, a Fertility Awareness Educator on Vancouver Island has used the Justisse Method User s Guide for teaching since 1990. Leger says: I like the guide s pictures and rich details that help readers learn how to precisely identify and chart menstrual cycle events, and correctly use that information for reproductive health monitoring and fertility awareness. This guide has the best explanation for how to check for cervical mucus to identify ovulation. Any woman can achieve her objectives by following this clear, straightforward guide; whether to avoid pregnancy, deal with reproductive health issues, or manage a fertility challenge. Canadian author Geraldine Matus is a long time matriarch of the modern fertility awareness movement with roots in midwifery, naturopathic medicine, depth psychology, and feminism. Co-author, Megan Lalonde, is a young leader in women s health building on the solid foundations of the Justisse Method that Matus laid in 1987. This guide is for women who want accurate information without a moral or coercive text. Like many useful documents, it is subtle in its simple message? understand how your cycles work and claim your power as a woman. The Justisse Method User s Guide deserves a place on every woman s book shelf next to the wise woman herbals, the pregnancy and lactation books, and the feminist manifestos.
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